Olive Shoots Family Podcast
A weekly podcast where we cover all things family, parenting, and homesteading with a Biblical perspective. First and foremost we are striving to know and trust Jesus more everyday and to live generously with what we’ve been given, that includes our children. Children are a blessing and we believe that when we seek to raise them in the way of the Lord our families are able to have an eternal spiritual impact on the people around us.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
As Christians, we would quickly admit that prayer is important, but our actions might not always reflect that. This week, we talk about the importance of prayer, how to fight for our kids, and the routines we create that help point back to Jesus.
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
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Affiliate Links:
Wild Robin Boutique
Mineral Deodorant (Earthley Affiliate Link)
Detoxifying Pit Mask (Earthley Affiliate Link)

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
This week we had the special opportunity of having one of my cousins and his wife join us! They are people Nathan and I both look up to in many aspects of life and can’t wait for y’all to hear some of their story. This week they share their journey through a period of waiting to starting their homesteading adventure and how God provided along the way. We learned some practical tips as well as some biblical perspective in different seasons of life and are excited to share it with you.
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Wild Robin Boutique
Are You Interested in Juice Plus?

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
We all have ideas about what parenting should look like; whether those are shaped by our own parents or others around us. On top of that, Scripture and the thoughts of our spouse should also shape how we parent. This week, we give our perspective on how to navigate the difficulties of parenting as a team with your spouse.
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Wild Robin Boutique
Sinus Saver (Earthley Wellness)

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
This week is special. It’s our 20th episode of the podcast and the day this is released is actually our 3rd anniversary! So we decided to do something fun - Nathan and I both wrote down a list of questions to ask each other and neither of us know what questions we’re gonna be asked.
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Teeth Tamer (Earthley Wellness)
Pain Potion (Earthley Wellness)
Pain Relief Rub (Earthley Wellness)

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Love should be at the core of every marriage, but not just any kind of love, a 1 Cor. 13 kind of love. In this episode, we talk about the 5 love languages - a tool to point us back to what Scripture moves us towards - and we look to the love chapter to remind us how to love our spouse well.
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Sinus Saver (Earthley Wellness)
Good Night Lotion (Earthley Wellness)

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Busyness can either be exhausting or a blessing. In this episode, we talk about seasons of busyness in our lives, the root issues of busyness, and how obedience can lead to a full tank.
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Are You Interested in Juice Plus?
Mineral Deodorant (Earthley Affiliate Link)
Detoxifying Pit Mask (Earthley Affiliate Link)

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
This week we have the special opportunity of interviewing Jerrad Lopes, the founder of Dad Tired. Nathan especially has enjoyed listening to his podcast over the past couple of years and we are so honored that he's joining us today to share with us some wisdom on keeping the end goal in mind, all while trying our best to stumble towards Jesus.
Thank you for joining us today!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Good Night Lotion (Earthley Wellness)
Pain Potion (Earthley Wellness)
Pain Relief Rub (Earthley Wellness)

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
We were not created to walk through life alone! Our spouses are often our first picture of community after the spiritual community with have with God, but broadening that community to our family and friends can create deep wells of joy and experience. Join us this week as we talk about including our parents and in laws and on the need to find friendship and community! Thanks for listening!
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Teeth Tamer (Earthley Wellness)
Sinus Saver (Earthley Wellness)

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
We made a major mistake our first year of gardening in our raised beds, but it turned out to be an image of God’s grace in our lives and a reminder that He is constantly working on us. This week, we talk about God’s immense grace and how it shapes our hearts to be more like His!
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Teeth Tamer (Earthley Wellness)
Are You Interested in Juice Plus?

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
In this episode, we look to the Bible to help us determine what a Biblical marriage looks like. We talk about a few common views of Biblical marriages, what submission and leadership look like within a marriage, and the mind boggling and profound image that marriage represents.
Thanks for listening!
🌱 Olive Shoots Website
🛒 Olive Shoots Makings
📸 Instagram
Affiliate Links:
Teeth Tamer (Earthley Wellness)
Are You Interested in Juice Plus?